20 unique and useful Android apps that you should know about

By Hardik Singh | Updated Nov 02 2017
20 unique and useful Android apps that you should know about

Smartphones have not just replaced our cameras, but to some extent replaced our computers as well and while hardware is important, apps make a smartphone complete. Android being the biggest platform for app developers, offers a wide range of applications for your phone. From fantasy games to simple reminder apps, Android offers a lot of variety depending on people’s liking. However, among millions of apps available today, many good apps go unnoticed. Hence, there are a lot of apps to explore. Let’s say you are looking to customise bottom navigation bar or maybe you are into meditation and are looking for a meditation app, which app to download? So, we thought why not bring you a list of 20 unique apps and useful apps for your Android phone. Here goes.

20 unique and useful Android apps that you should know about

Reverse Dictionary
We all struggle with new words we come across and for that we have dictionaries. However, what if you are unable to remember the word, but you know what it means. Reverse dictionary is a simple app which not only knows the word, but can also find it if you by simply typing in the definition.


20 unique and useful Android apps that you should know about

Comics are equally important part of our culture and if you are looking for an app to read them, here is a good one. Comixology is a free app which offers more than 40000 titles from multiple publishers. It is the biggest comic book reader app out there.


20 unique and useful Android apps that you should know about

Navbar Apps
Do you see the black navigation bar at the bottom, which has the home, back and multitasking button? Well, that doesn't need to be bland anymore. You can change the background on the navigation bar in simple steps with the Navbar app. You can even use a custom image for the same.


20 unique and useful Android apps that you should know about

Apps are best part of any smartphone, but what if you have less space on your phone, or don’t want to install a particular app for any reason? Well, you can still use those app services as long as they have a web page. The Hermit app, makes web apps versions of normal apps. So, if you don’t want to install facebook and use a lighter web app version only, you can make one via Hermit.


20 unique and useful Android apps that you should know about

If you are into music and want to listen to new artists from anywhere in the world, then Souncloud is a really good app to download. The app has no ads and no subscription fees. So, just discover music and stream it from the cloud.


20 unique and useful Android apps that you should know about

Have you noticed the auto-reply suggestion on your Gmail? Well, these AI based replies can easily be integrated in your phone itself using Fluenty. The app works with SMS, Whatsapp, Hangouts, Facebook and Messenger. It even works with Android wear smartwatches.


20 unique and useful Android apps that you should know about

Twitch.tv is simply the best app to watch matches of your favorite eSport games on. You can even catch high profile gamers playing live. You can learn their moves or just enjoy the prolific gaming session.


20 unique and useful Android apps that you should know about

If you are new to running or have made plans to lose weight this year, Runtastic is an app you should download right away. It is simple yet good app which keeps tracks of your run, gives you stats like distance covered, calories burned, etc. It is supported by all major smartwatch makers and easily integrates with other fitness apps.


20 unique and useful Android apps that you should know about

Learning languages is a tedious task and can be made easier if the process become natural. Memrise is just such an app via which you can learn various languages in a more natural conversational way. It also won the best app award this year.


20 unique and useful Android apps that you should know about

Headspace is a meditation app which takes you through guided lessons to calm your mind and can improve your concentration. You can set goals like focus, creativity, health and more. The app requires a subscription, but you can try the first lesson for free.


20 unique and useful Android apps that you should know about

You go to restaurant, eat, pay our bill and upload the image of that bill to Crownit. You will get reward points and discounts on your bill, it is that simple. You can also try playing the in-built games for more rewards point.


20 unique and useful Android apps that you should know about

Google Translate
Simply translate between more than 70 languages. It is a very helpful app if your going abroad.. The other good thing it can do is that you can point it at foreign text and it will translate it directly. 


20 unique and useful Android apps that you should know about

Google Inbox
Google Inbox is for the hardcore gmail users out there. It is a different take by google on how you should get your mail. The interface is clean and intuitive, yet easier to organise.


20 unique and useful Android apps that you should know about

OfficeSuite + PDF editor
If you are power user and need to edit docs and PDFs on the go, this is a must have app. That is why it is one of the most downloaded apps of the Google Play store. It is a full featured office and Adobe reader alternative combined in one.


20 unique and useful Android apps that you should know about

It is debatable whether smartphones have made us forgetful or not. However, if you are looking for an app which combines, reminders, to-do lists, voice memos, and can be synced across devices, give Evernote a try.


20 unique and useful Android apps that you should know about

wikiHow is a simple app which connects you to the vast database of DIY articles made by wiki. So, whether you want to know how to boot into Windows or change your car’s tyre, seek wikiHow.


20 unique and useful Android apps that you should know about

Instagram is a very popular photo sharing cum social media app. On the platform you can add a good picture, but tagging it correctly is equally important. Magnify is a app which can not only assist you in choosing the right tags for your insta image, but can also analyse the image and suggest tags accordingly.


20 unique and useful Android apps that you should know about

Drupe is a new take on the dialer. The app combines caller ID, track, block, theme gallery and a built-in recorder in a single app. In addition, the app is good looking and easy to use.


20 unique and useful Android apps that you should know about

Universal Copy
There are times when you need to copy some text in some app and you can’t. To solve that, you can download universal copy, which lets you copy text from anywhere on your phone.
