How Instagram Subscriptions Work And What Are Its Benefits

By G. S. Vasan | Published 15 Jul 2022 12:07 IST
  • Instagram Subscriptions get more features.

  • The highlight features include Subscriber Chat, Exclusive posts, and Reel and Exclusive Tab on Profile.

  • We will see how to enable Instagram Subscriptions, and how it works, among other things.

How Instagram Subscriptions Work And What Are Its Benefits
Instagram Subscriptions: How To

Meta is making Instagram more exciting for creators with its subscription program. It’s simply called Instagram Subscriptions. It was announced in January of this year and months later, it has gotten a fresh update with new goodies like Subscriber Chat, Exclusive posts, and Reel and Exclusive Tab on Profile. Let’s see what each of these means and how the whole ‘Subscriptions’ thing work.

How do Instagram Subscriptions Work

  • The Creator shares exclusive pieces of content for a monthly charge. They will decide how much this subscription fee would be.
  • Subscribers get access to this content by clicking on the “Subscribe” button in the profile of their favorite Instagrammer. If there’s a monthly subscription charge, pay that too. 

Enjoy the following benefits of subscribing:

Instagram Subscriptions Features (What’s New)

1. Subscriber Chats

Creators can start group chats of up to 30 people powered by Messenger. It will be ephemeral in nature but involve the creator sharing things they are “passionate about”, revealing your “best life hacks” or creating a community of subscribers. 

They only have to add the “join chat” sticker to both subscriber and regular stories, clicking which existing subscribers can join the chat while followers can just tap to easily subscribe. 

Creators can easily organize chats with a new subscriber tab in your inbox.

2. Exclusive Posts And Reels

The exclusive posts and Reels thing is rather straightforward. Subscribers can enjoy your exclusive content and engage in the comments.

3. Exclusive Tab On Profile 

The purple-colored exclusive tab will let the subscriber know that you are sharing something special and they would feel good about that. They will have a better sense of the worth they are getting out of the subscription.

Other Instagram Subscriptions Benefits include:

1. A Subscriber badge next to the comments you make on your creator’s content.

2. Exclusive Instagram Stories and Lives

Instagram Subscriptions Features (What’s New)

Instagram Subscriptions Price

The Subscriptions cost could be between 0.99 and $99.99 a month as per a Meta spokesperson.

Instagram Subscriptions Price

Does Instagram Levy A Charge On Subscriptions

At present, they are not. In fact, in a recent announcement, the company said, “Meta will not be taking fees on Subscriptions through the end of 2024”.

So, in the words of Instagram's chief, the idea is “Creators do what they do to make a living, and it’s important that that is predictable. Subscriptions are one of the best ways to have a predictable income—a way that’s not attached to how much reach you get on any given post, which is inevitably going to go up and down over time”.

G. S. Vasan
G. S. Vasan

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About Me: Vasan is a word weaver and tech junkie who is currently geeking out as a news writer at Digit. Read More