Soham Raninga

Location: India

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Soham Raninga

About me

With 19 years of experience in the tech media Industry, I have been tinkering with gadgets for pretty much all of my professional life. Many of you would term this as a 'fun' job, or a 'dream' job. You'd be absolutely correct in saying so. I've just been chasing my passion for the past two decades, and it does feel like a new day everyday.

I joined Digit in 2011, as an online editor. The task at hand was a one-liner - "Establish and mirror the legacy of Digit from print to online, as India's most popular technology navigator". I'd say we've come a long way, enjoyed the company and competition from dozens of new and existing media brands over the last 12 years, while we continue to be India's most popular technology navigator.

Before joining Digit, I spent 5 years at IDG. I was a part of the launch team that brought PC World to India. PC World was a great learning experience, working with the largest team of technology reviewers and analysts spread across more than 40 countries.

Being a hardcore test center guy, I have been very fortunate to have worked with some of the biggest names in the consumer technology testing industry. My journey of setting up test processes and creating scientific evaluation processes started with CHIP, where I was heading the test center at CHIP India for about two and a half years. CHIP Holding GmbH is a Germany-based publishing house owned by Hubert Burda Media.

That was the 'professional bio'. Besides gadgets and gaming (strictly FPS), I'd be interested in talking about trekking, discussing enthusiasts cars and while we are at it, I will also try to convince you on why my cooking skills are highly underrated.

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articles 05-Jun-2020

Apple iPhone 8 vs iPhone 7: Rear camera comparison

Mobile Phones
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